Friday, April 2, 2010

Mythology Island walkthrough

Walk-Through part 6

Getting a whisker from Cerberus, guardian of the underworld:

Instead of going straight to Hades's temple you need to go to the temple of Apollo again. Inside the temple you need to go to the right to talk to one of the statues. You need to talk to the statue Euterpe (the one holding the reed pipe) on the upper right. Once you talk to her she will teach you a song (as long as you prove yourself a worthy musician). Then you can go to the temple of Hades. Outside there will be a washer guy. Talk to him and he says he will give you one drachma to clean the graffiti off the temple. Just click the graffiti and then drag your mouse over it to clean it off, then talk to him again and he will give a drachma. Inside the temple, leave the pomegranates on the altar and the door will open. Go inside the door and then drop into the chasm. Then you have to cross the river Styx. You have to walk back on the boat in order to avoid the falling rocks, jump over or duck under the flaming skull and jump over the alligator a few times to get to Cerberus. (you can use the touchscreen mirror in the future). When you get to Cerberus take out your pipe and play the song Euterpe gave to you. (Blue, green, yellow, blue, red , green). Cerberus will fall asleep and you can grab a whisker.

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