Friday, April 2, 2010

Mythology Island walkthrough

Walk-Through part 7

Now that you have all the 5 sacred item you need to go back to the tree immortality, once there Athena will talk to you, and you have to rearrange the pieces of paper until you get a sentence. Then Zeus will appear and steal the sacred items. Next you have to visit Hercules again and convince him to help you. He will come with you as long as you use the mirror. Go to the realm of Hades and get him to move the boulder out of the way. Then you go into the throne room and talk to Hades, he will give you his crown. Next, go talk to Hercules and go to the realm of Poseidon. Get him to crush the post to let you down to the throne room of Poseidon, he will give you his Trident. Next, go talk to Hercules again and use the mirror to go to the gates to Mt. Olympus. Get Hercules to break the padlock and then enter the gates to Mt.Olympus. Once up there Hercules will see a snake and try to get rid of it but it turns out it is Medusa and she turns him into stone. Keep going after that and you come into a guy selling wind bags. Buy one and you will fly up and land on a ledge. keep going up and you will find an olive. Read what is says and keep going up. Eventually you will get to a dark place. and go right. Then Zeus will come down and challenge you. Fight him using the crown and the trident. When you beat him Athena will give you the Medallion.

Mythology Island walkthrough

Walk-Through part 6

Getting a whisker from Cerberus, guardian of the underworld:

Instead of going straight to Hades's temple you need to go to the temple of Apollo again. Inside the temple you need to go to the right to talk to one of the statues. You need to talk to the statue Euterpe (the one holding the reed pipe) on the upper right. Once you talk to her she will teach you a song (as long as you prove yourself a worthy musician). Then you can go to the temple of Hades. Outside there will be a washer guy. Talk to him and he says he will give you one drachma to clean the graffiti off the temple. Just click the graffiti and then drag your mouse over it to clean it off, then talk to him again and he will give a drachma. Inside the temple, leave the pomegranates on the altar and the door will open. Go inside the door and then drop into the chasm. Then you have to cross the river Styx. You have to walk back on the boat in order to avoid the falling rocks, jump over or duck under the flaming skull and jump over the alligator a few times to get to Cerberus. (you can use the touchscreen mirror in the future). When you get to Cerberus take out your pipe and play the song Euterpe gave to you. (Blue, green, yellow, blue, red , green). Cerberus will fall asleep and you can grab a whisker.
Walk-Through part 5

Getting the giant pearl from the kingdom of Poseidon:

All you have to do is when you leave the cave of the Hydra, instead of leaving to go to the surface, go straight up and grab the pearl out of the shell a little to the right.

Mythology Island walkthrough

Walk-Through Part 4

Getting the scale from the Hydra:

First you need to go to the temple of Poseidon, but on your way you need to get the pomegranates that are on the tree, above the Sphinx. When you get to the temple. Go inside an place the starfish on the offering altar, and the door will open. Go through the door and talk to the guy on the lifeguard tower. He'll tell not to go into the underwater cave because there is a gnarl y monster down there (The Hydra). Then talk to the tall lady. Turns out she is Aphrodite, goddess of love. She will give you a touchscreen mirror if you can pass her test. You have to name the gods and goddesses she shows you. (Thats why you went to the museum of Olympus). Then you keep going left and dive into the water just follow the trail of bubbles that you need for air and you can get to the area of a ship wreck and a cave. Go in the cave and you will find the Hydra. You need to time your jumps so that you jump when the Hydra readies its head to attack out you jump and when you come down you land on the head and knock it out. once you do that for all the heads you can get a scale.

Mythology Island walkthrough

Walk-Through Part 3

Getting the golden ring of the Minotaur:

First you have to get to the ledge where there is a door with a design on it that is a circle and has numbers in it. The olive to the left say that "music opens new doors". You need to go all the was to the right to get to Apollo's temple. Inside you need to go to the right and pick up a reed pipe. Then you can go back to the door to get to the Minotaur. Use the reed pipe to play the colors in the order it says on the door, and the door will open. Go inside. Inside talk to the Minotaur, he will tell you that he will give his nose ring if you can navigate the Labyrinth. When you go inside the doorway Athena will appear to you and give you a magic string to help you navigate the maze. Once your in go to the right, when you jump up, don't go down just keep going forward. When you get to the next choice, drop down, when your down don't go to the left keep gong down. When down go left, then up and up and keep going up. Then you run into the ghost of the great god Pan. He will tell you that there are more than one way to read to the bones. Then go left and up then go down and down and follow the path that leads you down. Then you just have to jump over the scorpion and then go up and just follow the path left and then there is the door. Then click one he picture with the holes in it. Just click the red eyed snake 3 times and another doorway will appear. Just go through that and talk to the Minotaur again and he will give you the golden ring.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mythology Island walkthrough

Walk-Through part 2

Then, you are free to leave the tree. Once down, Athena will show up and tell you that if you need help look to her the olive trees, and that if you can convince him, her half-brother Hercules will help you (Hercules is signing autographs in Herc's Hero Hut). If you continue going left, you will come to a bridge cross that and you will get to the area where the Sphinx and the Minotaur are.

Getting the Flower from the garden of the Sphinx:

First you go straight to the Sphinx. Try to take the wilted flower from the pot. She stops you. She will tell you that her garden used to flow with water but now it doesn't. She will give you a rose if you can make the water flow again. Head up to the top of the aqueducts. Pull on the very top lever to redirect the water to go straight. Then, pull the next lever just a little ways away to make the water direct downward. Next, push the bridge down so the water can flow over it. Pull, the next leaver so the water there also directs downward. Also push the next bridge down so the water can flow over it. Then finally, pull the last lever so the water gushes down like a waterfall into the garden, Then, you can take the flower.

Mythology Island walkthrough

Walk-through part 1

Ok, so you arrive on the island right next to Herc's Hero Hut. Right next to you is the Museum of Olympus. Go in the museum. You can explore and look at the statues but you need to get the starfish that is lying on top of Poseidon's face, then you can leave. Next, you need to go to the Tree of Immortality. So you go left and the statues there tell you to pick and apple. So go up the tree and find the apple. There will be a satyr waiting for you. You have to find and get 10 honey jars and he will help you reach the golden apple. Then Zeus will come out of no where and tell you that he will only grant you immortality if you can get the following items:
*A flower from the garden of the Sphinx
*The golden ring of the Minotaur
*A scale from the hydra
*A giant pearl from the kingdom of Poseidon
*A whisker from Cerberus, the guardian of the underworld